
Who is MK9?

Hi! I’m Morgan, the owner and operator of MK9. As a person I am quirky, fun and adventurous; I like to think this shines through in my training style. Dogs have always been a part of my life; we had four Great Danes when I was a toddler! After college I became involved in rescue. The dog I chose to adopt had a few issues: fear aggression, resource guarding, and dog selectivity to name a few. He’s pictured on almost every page of this website! Through his training process I gained many skills that helped with the other rescue dogs I was working with. The more fosters I helped, the more I realized this is what I want to do. My favourite cases to work with are the “problem children” because there is no better feeling than watching a dog blossom into their best self.


I graduated from Animal Behaviour College with honours, and am certified as a canine hydrotherapist. I am also a massive nerd about dogs and have an extensive library; not to mention all the continuing education hours I’ve logged at seminars and webinars. My thirst for knowledge never ends and I’m continuously reading to keep on the cutting edge of the industry.

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